Monday, February 6, 2012

Today is the day…

60 years ago today when the Queen became Queen.

So how long did it take her subjects to sing - God save the Queen instead of God save the King?

The Queen and Prince Philip will be travelling all around the UK during the year. The younger members of the family will be travelling in other places. Charles and Camilla will be coming to Canada.

When Prince Philip was in the hospital over Christmas all four children - Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward went to visit him. This was remarked upon but he is 90.

There is a new program on the BBC where the family talks about the Queen. I expect it will be shown in Canada at a not too future date.

I have been watching some royal programs.
- the story behind the King’s Speech about the friendship between Lionel Logue and the King
- the King’s Speech - a bought myself a copy of the DVD
- Mrs. Brown - about a loyal servant of Queen Victoria who was her friend
- a multipart Youtube video on Victoria and Albert and their nine children.

Of course I share something with both these Queens in my name - Victoria Elizabeth.

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