Monday, November 28, 2011

People look East the time is near…

So yesterday was the first Sunday in Advent. The wreath was prepared and the candles were trimmed and ready for lighting. The brass followers were polished.

The service itself was very nice with the music and the Advent wreath in the darkness of the chapel with the first candle lit.

Then I was with some friends for lunch - what are your Christmas plans? All the rest in the group had family to spend time with.

I talked with my sister and brother in law on the west coast yesterday. We will not meet up at Christmas but parcels are being prepared.

I will be spending time with my church family. There is always lots of Altar Guild activities. I have already made a list. Candles and flowers need particular attention.

Going back in my past I was always in Lachute for Christmas and I missed St. John’s. Now I look fondly at those times past in my life. Then I remember my mom coming to Ottawa to spend time with me.

When looking through my old diary from 1974 when I first came to Ottawa there was some question of maybe being in Toronto for Christmas. That did not happen and Kathi and I were with my mom and dad in Lachute. Little did we know that was to be his last Christmas before he died the next May.


Enjoy the people and times and places that one has - you never know what is around the corner.

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