Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Abracadabra: animal encounters

Who was that?

I was out with my mom for some early morning exercise in the back ring when I noticed someone black. She was sitting there and doing not much. It was one of the barn cats. I think she was waiting for a field mouse to appear for breakfast.


There must have been someone lurking behind those bushes – maybe it was a bunny rabbit as we met one time. My ears perked up but neither I nor my mom saw anything.


One evening recently there were a lot of noises as usual when all the people had left for the day. There was a rustling of shavings and munching of the last pieces of hay.

Yoshi the puppy and Molly a visiting doggie friend were settled in for the night as well. It being quite warm still outside some of the stalls were empty.

After it was dark and very quiet there was a slinking noise and a very different smell.
Who was that? Yoshi and Molly asked quite loudly as they barked.

Someone came around the corner into an empty stall. Whoever it was was not interested in making himself known and everything got quiet again.

The next morning when my mom and the barn staff came into the barn – who is that in the stall?
It was a little fox. He moved out very quickly after this without even saying goodbye.


So I never know who I will meet up with next.

Perhaps the next time it will be a deer or a goat or a skunk. These are all true stories – you just have to ask my mom. Charisma her first horse met a deer. Bishop her second horse met a goat. I believe my mom met a skunk in her back yard.

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