Sunday, July 1, 2012

Canada Day 2012 as per Abracadabra

It dawned early but I was still sleeping curled up in my stall. The shavings were nice and cozy even on a warm summer night. A somewhat cool breeze came in through the open window and barn doors.

From time to time I could hear rustlings from the nearby stalls. Now and then I heard Yoshi the German Shepherd puppy in the stall across the hallway give a soft whimper. He must have been dreaming.

Quite a bit later it was time to rouse myself and have a good morning stretch. That felt so nice.

Then I started to look around for a stray piece of hay. Did I actually leave any from last night's supper? Not much.Oh well I would have to wait and see when my breakfast appeared.

Now I could hear the other horses going through their morning stretches and even some yawns. Eventually Yoshi was doing this too.

It was not too much longer that I heard some people footsteps and some movement of the breakfast cart.

Oh goodie - oats for breakfast yet again!

Was the barn staff wearing red and white and was that a small Canadian flag tucked in the side of the breakfast cart?

Happy Canada Day my friends.

Love from Abracadabra - a thoroughly Canadian horse!!!

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